Mutual: Issue 1 Part 2
Mutual provides you with all things Harpenden Building Society. Giving you an inside look into society news, community work, volunteering, savings and fraud advice and more. Here we bring you part 2 of our exclusive first issue of Mutual. We hope you enjoy it and we are excited to bring you more editions throughout the year. Below is further content which we feel will be of benefit to you.
Some highlights included in this issue are:
- Helping you stay safe from common fraud
- Romance scams
- Parcel delivery scams
- Awareness days
- Smart Money People
Take Five 
Take Five is a national awareness campaign led by UK Finance and backed by His Majesty’s Government delivered with, and through, a range of partners in the UK payments industry. Take Five provides straight-forward, impartial advice that helps prevent email, phone based and online fraud – particularly where criminals impersonate a trusted organisation.
Romance Scams
Ahead of Valentine’s Day, UK Finance’s Take Five to Stop Fraud campaign is warning people to stay alert to criminals posing as an online love interest. In a romance scam, the victim is persuaded to make a payment to a person they have met, often online through social media or dating websites, and with whom they believe they are in a relationship with. Criminals will use fake profiles to target their victims to start a relationship, which they will try to develop over a longer period. Once they have established their victim’s trust, the criminal will then claim to be experiencing a problem and ask for money to help.
Parcel Delivery Scams 
Have you received some vouchers over Christmas which you would like to spend online? Or just enjoy a bit of online shopping to help get you through January? Online shopping can be extremely convenient. But it’s important to be very careful of any texts or emails you receive from companies notifying you that they’ve been unable to deliver your latest order. This could be a scam!
We want to hear from you! 
We welcome our members to send us any stories to include them in future issues… send our editors any of the below:
- Any fundraising achievements
- Any volunteering or community support you have provided
- Or let us know if there is any specific advice or content you would like us to talk about? Maybe protection online or digital advice…
Send us your content, details and any photos or images…we’d love to hear from you.
Or via post: Editorial team,
Harpenden Building Society,
Mardall House, 9-11 Vaughan Road, Harpenden AL5 4HU
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